All Things Creative and Building
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Moore Center for Orthopaedics

Moore Center for Orthopaedics is a project in development that will sit next to the existing Moore facility and will act as an expansion.  This project was designed by another architect before I was brought into the process, but my skills at rendering were required to give something for the owner and doctors to see.  Along the way I also had to help make the finishing touches on the facility with the help of an architect as well as clean up the final set of permit drawings.  This was one of the first projects where I was able to see non-standard details come alive and work harmoniously with the bold shapes and features of the building.  Just being able to work on the drawings was a great eye opener, but helping present the building in a artistic light of the render was also beneficial.

Moore Center for Orthopaedics


Moore Center for Orthopaedics is a project in development that will sit next to the existing Moore facility and will act as an expansion.  This project was designed by another architect before I was brought into the process, but my skills at rendering were required to give something for the owner and doctors to see.  Along the way I also had to help make the finishing touches on the facility with the help of an architect as well as clean up the final set of permit drawings.  This was one of the first projects where I was able to see non-standard details come alive and work harmoniously with the bold shapes and features of the building.  Just being able to work on the drawings was a great eye opener, but helping present the building in a artistic light of the render was also beneficial.