All Things Creative and Building
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Community Fabric

Community Fabric

Hammer & Hand Competition Entry



In revitalizing an area, there is always addition.  The addition of ideas, buildings, design, art, and much more.  This mentality creates opportunities for an architetural response.  This mixed-use design takes that theory to the growing Rainier Beach Community in Seattle, Washington.  Taking the existing energy and future desires from the Community Neighborhood plan, this design begins to interweave the existing surroundings and the future planned environments.


This entry pushed my comprehension and understanding of energy efficient practices for building.  The competition itself was funded by a construction company in the Pacific Northwest that is dedicated to pushing the limits and constantly honing in on the craft of building.  Following suit, I chose to push my own limits and apply what I had gained from my studies and professional practice into this project.  If  you chose to learn more about the company follow the link below.